It Will Be! But the Choice is up to Me (Acts 1:16-19)

It Will Be! But the Choice is up to Me (Acts 1:16-19)
God’s promises will be fulfilled. His word is true. It will be as God says it will be. “The Scripture had to be fulfilled” (vs. 16). Those statements are true, but consider how our life fits into the promises of God. What part do we play? How do our choices in life position us in relation to God’s promises? Are we playing on God’s side of the fence or not? The promise is a reality!

Judas. Here’s a guy that didn’t look closely at the promises of God, or consider his choices wisely. But don’t be too rough on him without taking a hard look at ourselves. Jesus chose him to take a share in his ministry (vs. 17). Aren’t we as believers also chosen to share in Jesus’ ministry, to be his witnesses, to love people like he did? Have we considered our daily choices? Are we going through religious motions or rituals without all heart or sincerity in seeking God? Or do our choices reveal apathy concerning anything related to God? For me, pretenders are harder to stomach. Maybe it’s because I struggle with authenticity at times. Pretending is a great temptation. Daily choices are hard to make, but they position us in God’s promises.

The blood price. Judas’ unbelief caused his blood to be spilt at his own hands (vs. 18-19). By faith, believers are covered with Jesus’ blood that takes away sin—Jesus paid the price. Without belief, our blood is on our own hands. Wrong choices mess up our insides. If we’ve made bad choices—figuratively hung ourselves, we can bring our messed up lives to Jesus and ‘spill our guts’ out with him, begging forgiveness, and accepting his blood to cover us, rather than buying our own field of blood to die in. Jesus has already paid the blood price for us.

God’s promises are as good as done. Jesus’ forgiveness and mercy are available for our asking. Where do we stand in God’s reality, his promise? In what portion of his ministry do we give all heart? What do our daily choices reveal? God, help us to be authentic—not pretenders, to make wise choices.

Join me in living authentic lives, making good faith-filled choices, and please help me keep to this task! I could use the assistance.

I pray, God, that you help us make a difference by being real and making choices out of belief in you.


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