Come! Charge! Retreat!


In response to a HighCallingBlogs Group Writing Project on the importance of taking time to get away in retreat, I laughed at my first thoughts on the project’s title, “Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!”


I didn’t envision a soft, cushy, comfort. I heard a battle command. Maybe it’s because I recently watched a movie with Charlton Heston from the 1960’s called Major Dundee. He consistently reminded his men he had only three commands. “Come. Charge. And run like…” Well, you can watch the movie, but retreat is part of the battle planning.


As a Christian equipped with armor, burdened with mission, and awaiting orders, I look to the Lord for when to retreat. If I listen carefully and obey quickly, I’ll know when to get out of the daily grind or battles and run for the “strong tower” of refuge.


My retreat brings healing, rest, and renewed vigor to accomplish the tasks of life. I can’t always get away to attend a nice retreat center like Laity Lodge, but I am able to take a walk alone, go to a coffee shop and sit, or drive with God and my thoughts (although driving retreats have recently proven dangerous).


For more serious retreats, I need a deeper withdrawal, somewhere safe to sleep, to “lick my wounds” (have God’s healing comfort applied), to recoup and regroup. My serious retreat locations can be at home, on vacations, and at retreat centers, but always they include those I love and trust, those who believe in God within me. I call upon proven prayer warriors, mentors, family, and friends.


During quiet, comforting retreats I get a clearer focus on my part in God’s mission, and retune my ears for the “Major’s” voice.


What’s that? Come! Charge! Or Retreat!


One to be change,



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8 thoughts on “Come! Charge! Retreat!

  1. Robin~
    Thank you so much for the encouragement. I really appreciated your take on the retreating in order to be healed…similar to my post.
    Thanks for reminding me, once again, that I am in a battle and My Commander has already won by His blood…I do overcome by His blood and my testimony.
    God bless,
    daune (dawn) smith

  2. The military man in me chafes at the thought of planning for the possibility of retreat. But in reality it is no different that making sure my will is in order.

    Don’t want to think about the worst happening. But planning for that contingency is a very wise thing.

    Thanks for making me think!

  3. duane (dawn),

    Yes, so often we live in our comfort and forget what our purpose and charge from Christ is. If we have no wounds, we might not be in the fight. Retreating isn’t only for our comfort, although God blesses us with it, retreating has a greater purpose to heal, stregthen, and get ready to re-enter the battle called living for Jesus. We have won the victory through his blood, but we must finish the fight before us.


    I never meant to offend any part or portion of any military man. We never want to think of backing down. But the kind of retreat I speak of is definitly not tucking tail in defeat, but a regrouping or reevaluating the next attack.

    I believe we as Christians need to retreat with God, rethink our effectiveness in “doing church” and come up with some better battle plans to reach the unchurched and lost with the love of Christ. The church today has some serious wounds.

    It is like you said, a contingency, a part of the plan to be victorious. The gates of hell will not stand in the end, even though they might be open wide now with the demons taunting the church, us. We will be victorious!!!

    Let’s put on our battle gear, huddle up for the plan, then execute.

    God go with us.

  4. Oh yeah, and Chris, you might enjoy studying the leadership style and the hard decisions made by ‘Major Dundee.’

    It is a good flick!

  5. I haven’t seen Major Dundee either, but we definitely had the military thing in mind when we came up with this. In fact, an earlier version was titled, “Retreat! Retreat!” and I was going to do some kind of military themed logo.

    Then L.L. set me straight. How nice to have a designer in the network!

    Great post Robin. It was good to meet at Mt. Hermon!

  6. Mark,

    I feel better now that I’m not the only one who thought of ‘retreat’ as part of a battle plan rather than the softer side of simply laying around in a hammock or something like that.

    The movie really impressed me in the leadership portrayed–a man through and through, solid, made quick and hard decisions, stuck with it to the end, having deep conflicting emotion but leading in the right in the face of rebellion. A really good flick to help understand what it is to be a leader, and understand men. (spoken as a woman.)

    Mark, I look forward to working with you. You are a brilliant, compassionate man on mission.

    Thank you,